7 Quick Takes-An Attack on my Sanity
1. I am displeased, to put it mildly. About 40 minutes ago, I was congratulating myself for being so "on it" this morning.
2. A roach. On Alessandra's bedroom door. And not just any roach, mind you-a huge, menacing, colossal roach who appeared to be sneering at me as I cowered in terror. This mama doesn't do bugs. So, being the calm, level-headed, rational woman that I am, I screamed at the top of my lungs, grabbed the largest shoe I could find, cursed the Army for sending my husband to the field (because really, do these mutant bugs ever make an appearance when our husbands are home? Of course not), and proceeded to beat the life out of that thing on my precious baby girl's door. Then I tried to MacGyver a Kleenex, a shoe, and a pen into a contraption that would keep the now smushed-beyond-recognition roach from touching my fingers. In a moment of weakness, I considered placing a call to our parish and begging Father McCarthy to come over and do an emergency blessing of our home.
3. This is one of the main reasons I could never (permanently) live in the South. Look, I'm not trying to downplay the North's pitfalls. Growing up in Wisconsin, I remember having to trick-or-treat with a snowsuit over my Halloween costume because we were getting hit with snow flurries at the end of October. The seasons (if you even want to call them that) consist of approximately 7 months of blizzards and bitterly cold weather, a "spring" that's really freezing cold rain that turns the afore-mentioned snow to ugly gray slush, and a summer that's hotter than hell with enough road construction to make you want to rip your hair out every time you're foolish enough to venture on to the highway. I get it. But...Wisconsin doesn't have ROACHES. Anyway. Moving on.
4. My brother is flying in tomorrow, to give me a hand with my crew while Will leaves for yet another long week in the field. Tony is very excited about his uncle's arrival; every morning for the past 3 days he says, "Mama, today is Saturday!" I'm glad that tomorrow I'll actually be able to answer in the affirmative.
5. I am the worst Catholic ever. I missed a holy day of obligation on Friday, due to miscalculating afternoon events (mainly, the grocery store with two small children), I missed confession on Saturday afternoon, because I was in bed with agonizing back pain, and I missed Mass on Sunday for the same reason. I'm not feeling too great about myself right now, although I do realize that being unable to get out of bed due to excruciating pain is probably a valid reason for missing Mass.
6. I need to start blogging more, as in, not just the weekly 7 Quick Takes. I have a bunch of topics floating around in my head, and never enough time to sit down and write a thought-provoking post. Yet another reason I feel like the lamest person alive lately.
7. This meme sums up my feelings about Georgia drivers (or more likely than not, their response to me blasting the horn at them for trying to cut in my lane without, you know, checking to make sure another car isn't already there).
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