Buddy's Chicken Piccata
I'll be honest here-I'm not really sure how I feel about Buddy Valastro, TLC's "Cake Boss." On one hand, he obviously has a very successful business, and millions of fans. My friends in New Jersey have told me (in between eye rolls) how tourists will stand in line outside Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken for hours just to buy their pastries, despite the fact that there is a very wide variety of amazing Italian bakeries in the NYC/NJ area. That being said, I think he's just a little bit....much. His overly-exaggerated Italian gestures and expressions tend to grate on me, and every time he says "that's how we do it in Hoboken, baby!" I die a little bit inside. Not to mention, my husband and I frequently refer to him as the fondant fornicator. I've heard very mixed reviews from the locals on his cakes and pastries.
However, I will give credit where credit is due. His TLC show "Kitchen Boss" is light years ahead of "Cake Boss." It's (mostly) just Buddy in the kitchen, so he tones down his over-the-top-dramatic-Italian routine, and his recipes are actually very good. His cooking style is very similar to my family's, so I'll admit I'm a little bit biased. I decided to give his chicken piccata recipe a try the other night, because a) it's easy, b) the ingredients are cheap and easy to find, and c) I've eaten chicken piccata in restaurants before, but I've never actually made it myself. Will and I really enjoyed it, and I've found myself browsing through his recipes on TLC's website for the past few days.
Source: Buddy Valastro, "Kitchen Boss"
2 whole boneless skinless chicken breasts
salt, as needed
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
2 T olive oil
3 T butter, divided
1/4 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup rich chicken stock
2 small, thin-skinned lemons, juiced
1/4 cup chopped parsley
2 T capers, drained and rinsed
1. Lightly salt both sides of chicken cutlets. Dredge cutlets in flour and cheese mixture, patting off excess.
2. Heat a large sauté pan over med-high heat. Add oil and one tablespoon butter. When butter foams, add cutlets, in batches if necessary, to color and cook through both sides -- a couple of minutes.
3. Remove chicken to plate and keep warm.
4. Add wine, broth, and lemon juice, scraping the bottom browned bits into the sauce, reduce to sauce consistency. Remove from heat. (Sorry for the unbelievably crappy picture).
5. Add pinch of salt and parsley. Swirl in the two tablespoons butter and the capers.
6. Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve immediately.
However, I will give credit where credit is due. His TLC show "Kitchen Boss" is light years ahead of "Cake Boss." It's (mostly) just Buddy in the kitchen, so he tones down his over-the-top-dramatic-Italian routine, and his recipes are actually very good. His cooking style is very similar to my family's, so I'll admit I'm a little bit biased. I decided to give his chicken piccata recipe a try the other night, because a) it's easy, b) the ingredients are cheap and easy to find, and c) I've eaten chicken piccata in restaurants before, but I've never actually made it myself. Will and I really enjoyed it, and I've found myself browsing through his recipes on TLC's website for the past few days.
Source: Buddy Valastro, "Kitchen Boss"
2 whole boneless skinless chicken breasts
salt, as needed
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
2 T olive oil
3 T butter, divided
1/4 cup dry white wine
1/2 cup rich chicken stock
2 small, thin-skinned lemons, juiced
1/4 cup chopped parsley
2 T capers, drained and rinsed
1. Lightly salt both sides of chicken cutlets. Dredge cutlets in flour and cheese mixture, patting off excess.
2. Heat a large sauté pan over med-high heat. Add oil and one tablespoon butter. When butter foams, add cutlets, in batches if necessary, to color and cook through both sides -- a couple of minutes.
3. Remove chicken to plate and keep warm.
4. Add wine, broth, and lemon juice, scraping the bottom browned bits into the sauce, reduce to sauce consistency. Remove from heat. (Sorry for the unbelievably crappy picture).
5. Add pinch of salt and parsley. Swirl in the two tablespoons butter and the capers.
6. Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve immediately.
Qué acompaña mejor este platillo?
ReplyDeleteUna buena pasta!!!
DeleteLooks delish! How aout the side dishes? Do you have those to share?
ReplyDeleteHello, this is really important to me and I would like you to help me thank a lady at the bottom of the heart. My child was in the hospital for months because of a need for financing, but thanks to Mrs MARIE Christiane, I received a credit of 50,000 for the costs of operation of my child. I don't know how to say thank you, and my only way to thank her would be to advertise on social networks, so that any person is in need of a loan between individuals can contact for the development financial. So if your request is still relevant, I leave you the e-mail address ""gouvelenmariechristine@gmail.com"" to the contact as follows :
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Hello, this is really important to me and I would like you to help me thank a lady at the bottom of the heart. My child was in the hospital for months because of a need for financing, but thanks to Mrs MARIE Christiane, I received a credit of 50,000 for the costs of operation of my child. I don't know how to say thank you, and my only way to thank her would be to advertise on social networks, so that any person is in need of a loan between individuals can contact for the development financial. So if your request is still relevant, I leave you the e-mail address ""gouvelenmariechristine@gmail.com"" to the contact as follows :
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Please send this testimony to your loved ones, because this lender can save several other people, thanks to you.
Hello, this is really important to me and I would like you to help me thank a lady at the bottom of the heart. My child was in the hospital for months because of a need for financing, but thanks to Mrs MARIE Christiane, I received a credit of 50,000 for the costs of operation of my child. I don't know how to say thank you, and my only way to thank her would be to advertise on social networks, so that any person is in need of a loan between individuals can contact for the development financial. So if your request is still relevant, I leave you the e-mail address ""gouvelenmariechristine@gmail.com"" to the contact as follows :
E-mail : gouvelenmariechristine@gmail.com
Please send this testimony to your loved ones, because this lender can save several other people, thanks to you.
Testimony of serious money loan between individual. E-mail adress
ReplyDelete: Jessicamercier81@gmail.com
Glory to God, Alleluia
Today, I am responsible for my own company thanks to The Christian community of parish st paul and st Antoine de padou.
Big thank you to you for the loan of 54,000 € with a percentage of 2%
I pledge before GOD and before the Men that I will repay you the entire loan
I thank
Mme MERCIER jessica who directed me to this Christian community. So I ask all people in the need to contact her at
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Peace of Christ to You
Testimony of serious money loan between individual. E-mail adress
ReplyDelete: Jessicamercier81@gmail.com
Glory to God, Alleluia
Today, I am responsible for my own company thanks to The Christian community of parish st paul and st Antoine de padou.
Big thank you to you for the loan of 54,000 € with a percentage of 2%
I pledge before GOD and before the Men that I will repay you the entire loan
I thank
Mme MERCIER jessica who directed me to this Christian community. So I ask all people in the need to contact her at
E-mail :
Peace of Christ to You
Salut suis pas doué quand il s’agit de long discourt mais je tiens juste à partager avec vous ma joie et ma gratitude envers un groupe rapide et fiable et dirigée particulièrement par une personne très humaine du nom de FLORENCE RECH auprès de celle qui j’ai reussie à obtenir un crédit. Les conditions sont bonnes ainsi que le mode de remboursement. C’est vraiment du sérieux le taux d’intérêt très abordable. Si par ailleurs vous avez besoin d’un crédit, pour la contacter par : E-mail: FLORENCE RECH
Bonjour Madame & Monsieur,
ReplyDeleteL’offre de prêt présente de nombreux avantages pour ceux qui veulent emprunter de l’argent sans passer par les banques et c’est dans cet optique que nous avons décidé de mettre nos offres les plus avantageux à toutes personnes désireuse de faire un prêt à un taux intéressant. De plus, les fonds sont versés rapidement, une fois que la demande de prêt a été validée et que les documents justificatifs ont été approuvés . S'il vous plaît contacter nous pour plus d'information par courriel directe par E-MAIL :
Jaqueline Palmot
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Mail: moniquemartineleger@gmail.com
vous accorde des prêts à court moyen et long terme a un taux de 2% à des particuliers et professionnels honnêtes
qui sont dans le besoin d’appui-financier pour créer des activités lucratives ou pour s'assurer d'un lendemain meilleurs.
Pour plus d'info merci de nous contacter pour plus de détails.
Infiniment merci à 📧: Séverine Christiana PICARO HOEVEL
ReplyDeleteAnne-Geneviève Auger je reviens témoigner que j'ai bel et bien reçu mon prêt d'argent , des procédures simples et rapides . Avec ce prêt d'argent , je pourrai me relancer
E-mail: christianapicaro@gmail.com
Infiniment merci à Mr. SOTHA STÉPHANE TANG
ReplyDeleteInfiniment merci à Mr. SOTHA STÉPHANE TANG sincèrement j’avoue que moi Mme Christine Vilmaure, J'ai également reçu le prêt d'argent.
Voici son mail: stephanetang.fr@gmail.com
Léa Chlastacz, 55 ans, couturière pour les robes de mariage et accessoires (liechtenstein)
ReplyDeleteJ'ai ouvert ma boutique "Léa Space" il y a 3 ans dans un quartier populaire de liechtenstein. Grâce au microcrédit initial de 10. 000 Franc suisse (3000), j'ai pu acheter des tissus et des accessoires. Avec le 2ème, j'ai emménagé dans ces locaux et investi dans 3 machines à coudre. Aujourd'hui, je suis sur mon troisième prêt de 25 000 Franc suisse (2 200 ) pour acheter des cadeaux de mariage, très recherchés par mes clients. J'ai des client au Maroc et en France; turquie et aussi au Canada , un mariage est une célébration très importante et une mariée porte entre 3 et 7 tenues au cours de la cérémonie et donc la vente et le prêt de robes fonctionne très bien. Depuis quelques mois, j'ai même pu employer Fiona Beaudet
, une jeune apprentie, pour m'aider avec les clients! Je rêve d'ajouter une coiffure pour compléter mon offre de services de mariage!
Au cas où vous auriez besoin d'aide, vous pouvez contacter la
Adresse email : sylvienetrules@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteJe suis Mme Madeleine TARATI, d'origine Française, actuellement à la retraite et malade. J'aimerai faire un don d'une valeur de 450 000 Euros en espèce via ma banque à toute personne dans le besoin. Ayant de vrai projet à réaliser. Pour plus de détail, veuillez me contacter Mail: madeleinetarati.fr@gmail.com
OMG I just came across your blog when looking up some of Buddy's recipes. I love what you said about him - I absolutely agree, as a half Sicilian "Princess" from NYC I can agree, Buddy way over does it - of course it's all for show - without it, ratings would probably plummet - ya know god forbid they just film what the show is supposed to be about. But yes, I totally agree, I used to watch his show "Kitchen Boss" - he's recipes were spot on - his marina sauce, bread crumbs and chicken cutlets particularly remind me of my late grandfather's recipes. Unfortunately I didn't copy all his recipes down, so I was glad to come across your blog to find the Chicken Piccata. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteMerci encore pour tout l'accompagnement que vous nous proposez.
ReplyDeleteMail : moniquemartineleger@gmail.com
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Prêt à l'investissement légal et sécurisé
Bonjour, je suis un particulier qui offre des prêts à l'international. Disposant d'un capital qui servira à octroyer des prêts entre particuliers à court et long terme allant de 5.000 d'euros à 1.000.000 d'euros à toutes personnes sérieuses étant dans le réelle besoin, le taux d'intérêt est de 3% l'an gratuit. J'octroie des prêts Financier, Prêt immobilier, Prêt à l'investissement, Prêt automobile, Prêt personnel. Je suis disponible pour satisfaire mes clients en une durée maximale de 02 Jours suivant la réception de votre formulaire de demande. PS : Messages très sérieux alors Personne pas sérieux s'abstenir. E-mail: ( ricardomele20@gmail.com )