7 Quick Takes Friday-Injuries, Oils and Birthdays

1. Last Thursday, Will's class was doing combatives training. Will was sparring with another guy in the class, and he was injured pretty badly. To be more specific, the other guy accidentally tore Will's abdominal muscle. They were sparring, and the abdominal muscle went (and I quote), "RIP." Will was in a tremendous amount of pain, and he was whisked away to the hospital where he received an X-ray and an impressive amount of pain pills. He spent the next couple of days doped up on pain medication, and trying to find a comfortable position on the couch. He's feeling slightly better, but nowhere near 100%.

2. Due to Will's injury, we had to skip out on the military ball, for obvious reasons. Will could barely walk, let alone sit in an uncomfortable chair for a long period of time listening to speeches and dancing. It was the right decision, but I'm not going to lie-I was really bummed that I couldn't wear my sparkly Rent the Runway gown.

3. I am officially an essential oils convert. Can I call myself an oily mom now? I wrote this post last week, and I'm going to do a follow-up pretty soon about how I incorporated EO into my daily routine. Every time someone in the house announced they had a headache, a bruise, a scraped knee, trouble trying to fall asleep, muscle pain...I totally turned into this person.
4. In a mere 3 days, my little girl will be celebrating her first birthday. Unreal. We're all set with the smash cake, cute little birthday outfit...and I kinda dropped the ball and forgot to get a card and pretty balloons for her high chair. Guess which mama is making a run to Target tomorrow? (I should also add that we don't do big first birthday parties for our kids. Lots of reasons, but the main one being that we are in a brand new place and don't know that many people. So, it's a quiet family celebration for us).

5. I am totally digging this blogger I found via the 7QT linkup a few weeks ago. I especially love her Catholic book club reading list; I'm currently reading Dedicated to God: An Oral History of Cloistered Nuns, by Abbie Reese. It's fascinating, and I'm very grateful to Tiffany for recommending so many interesting books.

6. It's been a frustrating couple of weeks, and it's not any one thing in particular. The move, the long days with two small children (especially a toddler who is invested in testing my patience at every turn), Will's injury, dealing with the military madness again...and I've been a little stressed. Okay, I've been a lot stressed. Will and I were talking last night, and he's worried about me because he said I just don't seem as happy as I used to be. It's not that I'm unhappy, but I will admit to feeling stretched somewhat thin lately. Will kept insisting that I needed to do something for me, whether it was going to the gym after he got home from work (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA), getting a massage (okay, I could get behind that), going out for drinks one night with my friend (again, I won't fight that suggestion too much). I finally concluded that I need something to look forward to each week, to get me through the rough spots. What is it that I really enjoy? Travel, reading, wine, movies, writing, wine, Pinterest, wine, belly dancing...wait! Belly dancing! That's it! When Will deployed back in 2006, shortly after our wedding, I was all alone in Germany with nothing to do once the work day ended. I signed up for a belly dancing class, and I.freaking.loved.it. It was fun, it was a great workout, it was a good stress release, and there are very few things that can't be cured by swinging your hips to beautiful Middle Eastern music. I've decided to take up belly dancing again, although I can't decide whether I want to attempt a class or practice in the privacy of my own home. In any case, I'm excited.

7. Major props to my mom for finding the absolute freaking cutest Easter clothes for Tony and Alessandra. I received a package from her today (with the oh-so-magical Janie and Jack sticker on the tissue paper), and I have to say...I can't wait to dress these kiddos up. Pictures most certainly to follow.

For more Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


  1. Hi! I'm Kate! I've been here before and I'm here again today from Conversion Diary. Quick Take 6 threw me for such a loop! I probably (and unfortunately) take myself too seriously, but maybe I should give some hip swivels a chance. I LOVE the idea of something specific to look forward to every week. All of Lent my husband and I have been making the habit of going out for margaritas on Sundays, just for an hour or so, just down the street, but I smile whenever I remember it! You've inspired me to remember it more often!

    1. Hi Kate-thanks for reading! Oh trust me, I had to get over my feelings of "I would totally laugh at myself if I looked in a mirror" before I started the belly dancing class, but I promise, it's totally worth it! I think once a week margarita night with the husband sounds like a great idea. :)

  2. I wish we lived in the same country (and then city) because I would be all "hi, I only know you from the internet but BELLY DANCING CLASS FTW" and invite myself along. I tried it when I was in uni and I loved it, but felt awkward going alone (also I'm incredibly uncoordinated so...)... anyway, it's on my "to do" list once we are somewhat settled again as a nice escape from the children. Great minds and all that.


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