What We Wore Sunday

My mom has been in town since Friday afternoon, so you know what that means; blissful, uninterrupted time to get ready in the morning! Glorious, I tell you. Sadly, mia mama will be returning to Milwaukee ("the good land") tomorrow, which means my house will return to a state of disarray, I'll be forced to cook my own meals again, and I'll have to begin the process of de-spoiling my 2-year old. Anyway! On to the fashion of the day:

On me:
Dress and shoes from White House Black Market
Black shrug: purchased years ago at Ramstein PX

On Alessandra:
Dress from Nana, from Goo Goo Gaa Gaa
Headband: Ladies in Waiting
Chunky thighs: Courtesy of a breastfed baby who is still refusing solids at 7 1/2 months
For more What I Wore Sunday, visit Fine Linen and Purple!


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