7 Quick Takes-The Waiting Game

1. We're already beginning our transition from civilian family into military family. How, you ask? Because once again we are beginning the process of the waiting game. Everything has been completed, the necessary paperwork has been turned in, and now we're waiting on pins and needles to find out if Will has been accepted as an active duty service member. We *should* find out by next month...but man. Not knowing is the worst. We're stuck in limbo right now, and I'll be honest: it kind of sucks.

2. Many of you know I experienced a lot of back pain during my pregnancy with Alessandra, which resulted in months of physical therapy, pregnancy-safe pain pills, and a chiropractor. I foolishly assumed once I was no longer carrying an almost 9-lb baby in my belly, that pain would fade. Nope. It's gotten worse, and it was making me nervous. (After my pregnancy with Tony, my excruciating back pain eventually landed me in the hospital for a week, and resulted in the removal of an internal organ. My gallbladder, to be specific). I went to my doctor last week, and she expressed concern as well, and ordered a bunch of test from the lab and a CAT scan for me next week. We shall see...

3. Even though we do a massive "get rid of all this $%&# we don't need" before every move (either with drop offs at Goodwill or the dump), it never fails to amaze me how much stuff we can stand to throw away. Our computer desk is a black hole. I'm legitimately dreading sifting through the drawers and having to go through every. single. piece. of. paper in here.

4. I would like to thank Jennifer Fulwiler for getting me hooked on Breaking Bad. Well, her and my brother. Mark has been talking up this show for a long time, and I watched the first two episodes and I wasn't all that impressed. I thought it was a bit...slow. Then Jennifer wrote a blog post about how she really came to enjoy the show, and I thought I would give it another chance. I'm embarrassed to report that it's been a week and a half, and I'm almost finished with season 3. At least it's not reality TV, right???!!! (Yes, that is my defense).

5. I'm really not a phone person. I much prefer text messages. This is for two reasons: one, and most importantly, I think I sound incredibly awkward on the phone. Not to mention my calls are usually interrupted with, "Tony, what did I say about trying to push Papa's laptop off the table?" Two, when we lived in Germany, we depended on those text messages. We had prepaid cell phones (it wasn't the greatest idea in Germany to get a contract cell phone), and while phone calls could get pricey, text messages were pretty cheap. Anyway, I'm willing to make a few exceptions for my aversion to chatting on the phone. My good friend Chrissy called last Friday, and we were on the phone for well over two hours, chatting and laughing it up. We don't get to talk very often, due to busy schedules and general craziness, but when we do get to talk again? It's like we picked up right where we left off. That's how you know you have a true friendship.

6. I'm not a "gamer" in the least (I leave that title to my husband), but shortly after I graduated from college, Will bought me The Sims. I don't know why, but that game is SO addicting. I recently found out that The Sims 4 is scheduled to be released in the near future. I'm trying to decide if I would like to ask for it for my birthday, or if I should put the welfare of my family first. Decisions, decisions..

7. While I am unable to report that Alessandra is sleeping through the night (ha. hahahahahahaha), I CAN report that she has finally made the transition from swing to crib!! I'm ecstatic about this new development. Mainly because my little chunker is rapidly approaching the weight limit for the swing, and I just didn't know how we were going to handle it otherwise. Speaking of out-chunking baby items, we're going to have to get her a convertible car seat in the not too distant future. That bucket infant car seat is such a joke with my babies.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary! (Link in take #4).


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