Here Comes the Crazy

I have a really, really bad habit of waiting until the last minute to get stuff done. This isn't a bad trait that I picked up after becoming a mother; I was totally that student in college who put off writing a term paper until the night before it was due. If my parents want to weigh in, they can tell you all about the time I decided to get my belly button pierced the day before we had to move all of my worldly belongings into my dorm for my sophomore year. Perhaps I should also mention that I was living on the 4th floor of a building built in the early 1900's (in other words, sans elevator), and I had some kind of reaction to the piercing and was pretty much useless while my parents carried my futon, computer, books, bedding, etc up the flights of stairs. They weren't too happy with me, and trust me I was kicking myself for my poor planning. I mean, would it have REALLY killed me to get the damn piercing done the week before? Or hell, even once I started my sophomore year? Lawrence University in Appleton, WI definitely has the "liberal arts college town" atmosphere, and there were at least two piercing/tattoo parlors within walking distance of the campus. Anyway, you get my point.

Tomorrow I'm flying back to Wisconsin for a few days to throw my dear friend Aleia a bridal shower and bachelorette party, along with the other bridesmaids. I'm both looking forward to and dreading this trip. I'm looking forward to it because this weekend is going to be a blast. I haven't really had a "break," so to speak, from motherhood, unless you count the week I spent in the hospital in Boston when I had my gallbladder removed last year. I'm excited to see my family and friends again, see snow on the ground, and eat at some delicious Milwaukee restaurants. I'm dreading it because I'm going to miss my guys like crazy. I've never been *away* from Tony before, and I already know I'm going to burst into tears at the airport when I kiss him goodbye. I'm extraordinarily grateful to Will for offering to be on baby duty for the next few days, but let's face i, that's a lot to ask of the guy who recently finished the Finals Week From Hell. I'm also dreading the last-minute things I need to do before tomorrow.  In other words, Procrastination Marisa has returned with a vengeance.

I still have to pack, but I have a sneaking suspicion it won't get done until tomorrow morning. I still have two meals I would like to prepare and freeze for Will (because Lord knows what this husband of mine will eat if there aren't any pre-made meals for him in the freezer!). I still have to wrap a gift, I would like to make one extra batch of Christmas cookies, I still have some laundry to do, and I really wanted to give myself an at-home mani/pedi since I didn't have a chance to make it to the salon. Some of these things can go by the wayside, but I'm really kind of irked at myself that once again, I saved a lot of things until the last minute. I really don't TRY to do this, but somehow it always ends up happening.

Oh least next week's blog posts will have pictures and details of our weekend of revelry!


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