New Season, New Changes

One of the things I love most about having a food blog getting the chance to read all the other food blogs out there. I never knew so many existed! When Will and I got engaged five years ago, I joined The Knot to chat with other brides, get some vendor recommendations, search for a gown, etc. Once we got married, I officially became a member of The Nest. It was then that I discovered the What's Cooking board, and I found all of these amazing blogs and recipes that the ladies posted every day. That was what originally inspired me to create a food blog (not to mention I got sick of writing down a recipe every.single.time someone said "oh this is so delicious! You just have to give me the recipe!"). This board has been wonderful; it's inspired me to try foods I never would have considered trying before, not to be afraid of new techniques and ingredients (hello puff pastry dough), and I've met some very cool people in the process. I've also read countless blogs, and I've found that there are particular styles I like, some that don't fit me at all, and some that may have seemed like overkill at the time but really helped me out in the end!

One of my favorite blogs is Elizabeth's Edible Experience. I love the unique-and sometimes very tricky!-recipes she blogs about, and one thing I've really come to appreciate is her step-by-step tutorials for each of her recipes. These have really come in handy when I'm making a difficult dish for the first time, and I've decided that this technique is something I would like to try using in Mia Cucina. I'm not sure it will work; hell I'm not sure if I have the patience to post a picture after every step! But I think that one of the things that makes Elizabeth's blog so amazing is her attention to detail, and I feel that's something I've been lacking in my latest posts. Also, I have to give this girl props, she has some AMAZING Cajun/Creole recipes! With a husband from Louisiana, I've been finding myself cooking more and more southern recipes lately. Seeing as how I grew up in Wisconsin and now live right outside of Boston, I can use all the help I can get.

So let's start the fall season off with a new format for my posts, and as always comments (positive and negative) are welcome. Thanks readers!


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